Sam at nominated me for the Super Sweet Blogging Award. My first award!!!! Wow! Do I have to make a speech like the folks at the Oscars? I hope I don't trip up the stairs!!
1. Cake or cookies? Hmmm, will have to say cake, especially Chocolate Coca-Cola Cake!
2. Vanilla or chocolate? Depends, ice cream - vanilla, anything else - chocolate
3. What is my favorite sweet treat? York Peppermint Patties - I'm addicted
4. When do I crave sweet things the most? The better question would be, when do I not?
5. If I had a sweet nickname what would it be? I can't imagine anyone giving me a sweet nickname but I guess it would have to be ........ Peppermint Patty! HAHAHAHAHA!
Thank you, Sam, for the nomination. I really appreciate it. Now I will have to look over my blogs to see who to nominate and that will be hard. I enjoy everyone's blog that I follow.
I have started walking a little bit. Saturday I decided it was time and since the Hubs wanted to be here the first time I walked with Bandit (our 75 lb Husky), I thought it was a good time to try. The Hubs trained Bandit for bikejoring (sort of like dog sledding except he rides a bicycle and we only have Bandit as pull dog). Bandit loves the action of it and loves being able to get out of his yard to the street and beyond. He knows all the direction commands such as gee (right), haw (left), whoa, and his favorite one, hike. This one means go, boy! With the Hubs long work hours lately, they haven't had much time to do this. So when I put the lead on him Saturday, he thought he was going for a run. Not with mama! I do good to walk any distance. We made a lap around a short distance here on our street and bless his heart, he kept looking towards the street wanting more. The Hubs took him for a good run and when they got back, he happily plopped down on the porch and took a nap. On Monday, Bandit and I went for another walk. He did really well; he doesn't pull me and he listens to the commands. But he really didn't want to come back to the house. I'm having trouble with my low back when I walk so I'm trying to take it easy and slow until I get use to it. Knowing Bandit enjoys it even if he has to come home before he is ready gives me the incentive to get out and walk.
I am making progress on Jordan's blanket and I got a delivery of some yarny goodness last week to make another blanket. Photos will be going up soon.
This past week I have been babysitting my desktop computer through one crisis after another. I have used up a lot of hard drive space over the past years and it hasn't been very happy with me. I have had to hold my breath each time I go on it hoping it will make it through another session without crashing. (By the way, I do my blog and and blog reading on a laptop which has plenty of space.) I help out a couple non-profits in our town and part of the use of desktop is for that. Tonight I am babysitting the removal of some more files to hopefully free of quite a bit of space. Thank heavens for the young man across the street. He came over and got me started and is looking into a bigger hard drive for it. (This is the same one who checked on me when the power went out. How wonderful to have such sweet neighbors) I'm not totally computer illiterate but I'm not brave enough to do anything to one with someone else holding my hand.
Okay this post has been very wordy and no pretty photos. I promise to make up for that with the next one. I'm leaving Sunday to go stay with Abby and James for a few days. Doug (SIL) has to go back to work on Monday and she asked if I could come stay with her for a couple of days so she can get use to him not being there. Hmmmmm, of course I will.
Now before I forget. Here are my nominations for the Super Sweet Blogging Award.
Of course, everyone who reads my blog and gives me such great support is entitled to this award. I don't know what I would do without each of you.
Have a super wonderful day. As always, thanks for stopping by.