I didn't get to go to see the play! Bummer. My sister said it was really good, too. It started at 2:30 and she said they didn't get out until around 5:30. I'm so sad I didn't get to go. My niece starts college next year and she's such a great person to around. She's funny and sardonic, she's sweet and sassy. She's my only niece just like her brother is my only nephew and my goodness, I love those guys. My nephew is a sophomore in college at the University of Alabama, Huntsville. I think he's studying robotics. My niece is going to study forensic science at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. She's already applied and been accepted.
My Mom would be beyond proud of her progeny. We all managed to go to college. I have an Associate degree in business from our local community college, Stacey has a degree in Aerospace Engineering from UT, Knoxville. Doug (my son) has a degree in Aerospace Engineering from UT, Knoxville and a degree in Computer Science from Kennesaw State in GA. Abby (she of the abbycrafty blog) has a degree in Computer Science from Middle Tennessee University, Murfreesboro.
Well, that was a tangent! I've found more and more often I get off on these tangents and it takes me a while to get back on target. It's pretty annoying for the Hubs, as you can imagine. hehe
I finished "Miss Julia Weathers the Storm" and oh my goodness, was it ever good! Miss Julia can get herself into some big messes and this one was no exception. If you haven't tried Ann Ross' "Miss Julia" series, do give them a try. You will definitely enjoy the process.
I'm listening to "For We Are Many: Bobiverse", the second book in the series. The first one, "We Are Bob" caught my interest. I like science fiction and futuristic books and this series takes it to another level. The author is Dennis E Taylor.

I've ordered some books from ThriftyBooks.com. I'm really enjoying Deborah Crombie's series about DCI Duncan Kincaid and Inspector Gemma James. I got #9, #10, and #11 in the series.
I'm expecting fabric tomorrow so I can restart "The Embrace" and maybe start "2017 Linens and Things Mystery Sampler". This sampler is almost over but as I'm usually late to the party that's okay. I'm also getting fabric to do Carolyn Manning's Scrap Happy Crazy Quilt SAL. I'm going to be doing 2 blocks. I think that's about all I can handle at this point.
I'm also going to be working, over the next few wintery months, on a blanket for a childhood friend. He saw a post on Facebook about the Virus Shawl I made and asked if I could make him a blanket for a twin size bed. I asked what colors and he said, "Orange and Brown" ! I found this yarn and he approved.
Wish me luck! LOL
Okay, that's it for this week. I'm going to go read for a while and then go to bed. As always, thank you for reading my blog and for commenting.